

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

Quake 2 Wiki

Welcome to a very young version of the Quake 2 Wiki, open (eventually) to all Tastyspleen members (and possibly beyond)! Finally we have a place to throw all info pertaining to Quake, the Universe, and Everything!


Right now, the main attraction is the Tastyspleen Sunday Splatterfest, a weekly event taking place on the tastyspleen servers, with settings, mods, and maps voted by participants. Weekly events are fun, provide competition, and just keep us all one big happy family. With rockets. Hope to see you there!




2007 Sept 29 - Q2 Player stats: http://www.gamestatus.net/find.cgi?game=q2&action=playerlist this is in addition to http://tastyspleen.net/quake/stats/frags/



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